As technology develops, home appliances become more convenient and smarter, and that's good for people to enjoy their lives at home. BST has been working with many home appliace manufacturers to help them achieve the smart home ideas.
Coffee Machine:
In many coffee machines, a reed switch is mounted behind a plastic or aluminum cover,a permanent magnet is built into a float housing installed in a removable plastic water tank. The positioning of the reed switch and the magnetic strength of the magnetic float guarantee the switching of the contacts when the water level drops to a certain level .
The reed switch will turn on when the water level reaches higher limit or lower limit, and then the signal is on respectively.
Generally speaking, this approach works well for all similar fluid level applications.
Here are the suggested sensor series for this application:
BF-22 series vertical liquid level sensor
BP1 series retangular reed sensor
Washing Machine:
When the washing machines(either front loading or top loading) works, the door must keep shut all the time to make sure the rotating drum doesn't hit people. To make sure the door is closed, an economic way is to install a reed sensor, usually the magnet in the cover and reed switch in the washing machine.
Here are the suggested sensor series for this application:
BP1 series retangular reed sensor
BP2 series cylindrical reed sensor